The research team endeavors to (1) develop efficient machine-learning algorithms to bridge the gap between sparse data and smart city applications, and (2) enhance our fundamental understanding of the thermodynamics of energy systems and the thermomechanical interactions with various geotechnical infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to apply these developed technologies to improve the efficiency and resilience of urban and offshore infrastructure, including reclamation, excavation, piling, slope stability, and ground improvement.
Our interests include soil mechanics, machine learning of geo-data, centrifuge modelling and numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction, and geo-energy system. The recruitment of PhD students, Research Assistants, and Postdocs is ongoing. Interested candidates are always welcome to contact Dr. Shi.
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Chao Shi#, Yu Wang, Haoqing Yang (# corresponding author)
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2024
A domain-specific training image database is first established using generative adversarial networks (GAN) that enable the generation of arbitrary sized image samples from a single training image. Subsequently, multiple qualified image samples that are compatible with site-specific data are adaptively selected and utilized for the ensemble learning of geological cross-sections.
Chao Shi#, Yu Wang, Haoqing Yang (# corresponding author)
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2024
A domain-specific training image database is first established using generative adversarial networks (GAN) that enable the generation of arbitrary sized image samples from a single training image. Subsequently, multiple qualified image samples that are compatible with site-specific data are adaptively selected and utilized for the ensemble learning of geological cross-sections.
Yuanzhong Yan, Chao Shi, Gongsheng Huang, Yu Wang
Applied Thermal Engineering 2024
To properly evaluate the long-term COP of GSHP systems in cooling-dominated areas, a dynamically coupled simulation approach is proposed in this study. The proposed method integrates building thermal loads with ground heat transfer under groundwater seepage flow, within a unified framework.
Yuanzhong Yan, Chao Shi, Gongsheng Huang, Yu Wang
Applied Thermal Engineering 2024
To properly evaluate the long-term COP of GSHP systems in cooling-dominated areas, a dynamically coupled simulation approach is proposed in this study. The proposed method integrates building thermal loads with ground heat transfer under groundwater seepage flow, within a unified framework.
Yu Wang, Chao Shi#, Jiangwei Shi, Hu Lu (# corresponding author)
Acta Geotechnica 2024
Although pure data-driven models demonstrate strong performance within their training domain, i.e., in-sample prediction, they lack interpretability and might have poor generalization outside the training domain, i.e., out-of-sample prediction, particularly when the observed geodata is limited. Moreover, these models often disregard valuable geotechnical domain knowledge. To address these limitations, a novel physics-informed neural network (PINN) is developed for both forward and inverse analyses of two-dimensional soil consolidations when only limited measurements are available.
Yu Wang, Chao Shi#, Jiangwei Shi, Hu Lu (# corresponding author)
Acta Geotechnica 2024
Although pure data-driven models demonstrate strong performance within their training domain, i.e., in-sample prediction, they lack interpretability and might have poor generalization outside the training domain, i.e., out-of-sample prediction, particularly when the observed geodata is limited. Moreover, these models often disregard valuable geotechnical domain knowledge. To address these limitations, a novel physics-informed neural network (PINN) is developed for both forward and inverse analyses of two-dimensional soil consolidations when only limited measurements are available.
Chao Shi, Yu Wang
Géotechnique 2023
In this study, a unified framework, capable of simultaneously modelling stratigraphic variation and spatial variability of soil properties through machine learning of limited site investigation data, is combined with the finite-element method and Monte Carlo simulation for spatio-temporal consolidation analysis of reclaimed lands.
Chao Shi, Yu Wang
Géotechnique 2023
In this study, a unified framework, capable of simultaneously modelling stratigraphic variation and spatial variability of soil properties through machine learning of limited site investigation data, is combined with the finite-element method and Monte Carlo simulation for spatio-temporal consolidation analysis of reclaimed lands.